
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Love Today :: essays research papers

Love in todays macrocosm has been potently effected by thesocial and artistic factors of the past. The question of howhas the social environment, in which love is taking place,effected the people that be in love. In stories like Romeoand Juliet, the social environment is the major aspect of themain oddball love life. Because of their feuding families,their love almost did not exisist, but at the alike(p) time, if theirfamilies where not in this situation, their love might not ofbeen inspired in the first place. Problems like this show upin hundreds of fiction and true life stories all of the time. Theonly difference amidst the love between Romeo and Julietand other scenarios such as West fount Story, and Splendorin the Grass, is that these social situations make the storyinteresting, therefore, a grand love story. In the story,West Side Story, there is a grand social disagreementbetween two New York City gangs, the Jets and theSharks. The Jets are primarily a white territo rial gang thathas been sworn to stand there street from a Puerto Ricangang, the Sharks. This social difference had made these twogroups sworn enemies of each and there fore there, it wasknown that there was to be no interaction between the gangsunless it was expressed in hostility. At a dance on night thatboth of the racial groups were attending, Tony, a Jetsveteran, had his center caught by a young girl, Maria, whohappened to be the younger sister of the Sharks leader,Benardo. both of the gangs where exposeraged because Tonyhad crossed the social line because his love had ruled out theidea of fighting the Sharks because it was not acceptable.Therefore, these two people in love, presently inferred withthe social environment during the time that they were livingin. In a assorted sort of social aspect of love, Splendor in theGrass is an clarified example of how a social environmentmay be link to people in love. Bud, the main character inthe story, is from a complete family in the Midwest. Budsgirlfriend, Deanie, is from a family with less money, whothink the world of Bud, but look down at a sexual birth between the two lovers. The play starts off withthe two high prepare seniors very committed to each. Theyspend most of their time together and would be intimate times ofbeing together alone. As the play moves on, many factors inBuds life make their relationship much and morecomplicated. Such as Buds father Ace, encouraging his password

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