
Saturday, August 31, 2019

Emotion and Behaviors Essay

This project requires that you observe two preschool-age children in the Child and Family Development Center (ground floor of the Alfred Emery Building) and, on the basis of your observations, report on a particular aspect of their development. In the following pages, three options will be presented–you may focus on either language development, play, or emotional behavior. Thus, the option you select will determine the nature of the observation you conduct, but it is also true that all projects must follow the same guideline. First, you must decide which of the three options you will pursue. Second, you should become familiar with the objectives of your observation (based on the descriptions presented in the following pages as well as any reading from the textbook that would prove useful in this regard). Third, you should begin planning your observation; this should include decisions regarding what you will focus on during your observations (e. g., behaviors, specific features of the physical and social context), what kinds of things you will try to take notes on in the course of your observation, which preschool class you will observe, and when you will plan to conduct your observation to assure that you will leave yourself enough time for a second chance should you fail to gather all of the necessary information on your first observation attempt. Fourth, you should conduct your observation, paying very careful attention to the behaviors and situations that you have (beforehand! ) decided are most import ant–in all cases, you will have to observe two children for 15 minutes each. Take notes and remember that these notes are all you will have to work from when writing your paper. I also would recommend that you allow yourself approximately 1 hour for your observation. This would allow you at least a few minutes at the beginning of the observation to get a feel for the classroom and the children in it and to identify the two children you will observe; ample time to observe each child for 15 minutes (which may be split into 5 minutes now, 5 minutes in a short while and 5 more minutes at the end of your hour); and even some time to make up for observations that don’t result in any useable information. Fifth, you must rely on your notes and the details of the assignment to prepare your paper. In all cases, I am asking that you provide some general, objective information about what you observed in each child, and that you interpret your observations in terms of what you’ve learned about preschooler development. In addition, the introduction of your paper should provide a brief description of who you observed, when you observed them and what was going on in the preschool classroom during your observation period. Finally, at the end of your paper, briefly comment upon your experience as an observer. For example, How easy or difficult was it? What did you learn? How confident are you in the representativeness of the behaviors you observed for each child? As usual, all papers MUST BE TYPED. You are limited to 3 typewritten pages so think carefully about how best to organize all of the information you wish to present. Papers are due at the beginning of class on Tuesday, April 15. *****The preschool schedule is as follows: There are three different preschool classes (children ages 3-5): one meets Mon/Wed/Fri, 8:30-11:30, one meets Tues/Thur, 8:30-11:30, and one meets Mon thru Fri, 12:30-3:30 pm). In all cases, there should be no problems if you observe (quietly) from the observation booths attached to each classroom, or from outside the playground fence. If you wish to observe from within the classroom, or if you wish to go onto the playground with the children, you will need the permission of the head teacher. Simply tell them about the project, mention the class and instructor’s name, and there should not be a problem (do this ahead of time! ). Following are descriptions of the three options, each focusing upon a different feature of preschoolers’ development. In this exercise, you will be concerned with describing and analyzing the child’s speech and determining such things as the depth and variety of his/her vocabulary. 1. It is important to look at the child’s speech in terms of Piaget’s concepts of egocentrism and sociocentrism. Egocentric speech is speech that does not take the other person into account; it is speech that, for all practical purposes, is private. There is no real effort to communicate with the other person; therefore, whatever is said is meaningful only to the speaker. Piaget identified three types of egocentric speech: (a) monologue, in which the individual talks only to himself and with no other persons present; (b) repetition, in which the individual repeats words and phrases over and over again as if to practice them or as if he simply enjoyed making the sounds; and (c) collective monologue, in which two or more persons are talking together but none of them is paying attention to what the others are saying. Each â€Å"conversation† is independent of the other conversation. Socialized speech, on the other hand, is public speech. It is intended to communicate with someone and each person takes into account what others are saying and responds accordingly. Q1: 2. Does the child engage in egocentric or socialized speech? What are the circumstances under which these types of speech are used? Vocabulary is the foundation of speech. We communicate by putting individual words together into properly constructed sentences and paragraphs. Presumably, the greater the number of words in our vocabularies, the greater the number and variety of sentences and ideas we can utter and transmit to others. Words have different meanings and serve different purposes. Moreover, words must be placed in the correct position within a sentence; thus, there are rules of grammar and syntax. Q2: What do you observe about the child’s vocabulary? In particular, examine the child’s speech for words that express relations and oppositions, for example, words such as and, or, not, same, different, more, less, instead, if, then, and because. Also, how varied or rich is the child’s vocabulary when he/she talks about the world and the people/things in it? Think in terms of general classes or categories of objects, persons, and events, then assess how many different words the child uses to discuss those categories and/or how many different categories the child uses. B. Observational Objectives To learn about the language production abilities of preschool children, and how children of preschool age use language as a means of social interaction. C. Procedure For this exercise, your purpose is to observe and record the language behaviors of children as they are engaging in social exchanges. Basically, you will need to write about the vocabularies demonstrated, the ways in which children use their language for the specific purpose of communicating with others (either adults or other children), and the degree to which language appears to be influenced by the setting in which it occurs. For this purpose, select two children and observe each of them for 15 minutes during a time when they have opportunity to interact with others in a small group setting–free-choice periods are probably best. (Do not try to observe two children at the same time! ). As you observe, take notes regarding the nature and variety of words used by each child (writing down exactly what the child says would of course be very useful), the child’s specific use of language to communicate with others, and the context in which all of this is going on. For each child, your paper should include a brief description of the language used (including information about vocabulary, communication and context) as well as an interpretation of each child’s language behavior in terms of what you’ve learned about development during the preschool years. II. PRESCHOOLERS’ PLAY A. Background Information Play is considered by some psychologists to be the most important activity in which the young child engages. Indeed, play activities pervade the lives of children from infancy throughout childhood. Some play seems obviously linked to the child’s observation of adults; other play seems to stem from the child’s fantasies and from experiences that she finds particularly enjoyable. There are a number of explanations of the major purposes of play. These range from play as getting rid of excess energy to play as a means of socioemotional expression. Play can be a group or an individual activity. Play is distinguished from non-play by its special characteristics, the most important of which are its voluntary nature and its complete structuring by the participants, with little regard for outside regulation. When play is governed by consistent rules, we say children are playing games. These rules give play a social dimension. The participants must put their own personal wishes into the background and abide by the requirements of the game and the wishes of the larger group. It is important to note that not everything children do is play, although they will sometimes try to make play out of what adults intend to be serious. Parten (1932) has identified six types of play, which are given in an accompanying list (next page). Remember that play, like all behavior, occurs in a physical and social context. Therefore, include in your report information on the equipment and materials the child was using in his play and who the child was playing with, if appropriate. B. Parten’s Six Classifications of Play or Social Interactions 1. Unoccupied Behavior: Here the child is not engaging in any obvious play activity or social interaction. Rather, she watches anything that is of interest at the moment. When there is nothing of interest to watch, the child will play with her own body, move around from place to place, follow the teacher, or stay in one spot and look around the room. 2. Onlooker Behavior: Here the child spends most of her time watching other children play. The child may talk to the playing children, may ask questions or give suggestions, but does not enter into play. The child remains within speaking distance so that what goes on can be seen and heard; this indicates a definite interest in a group of children, unlike the unoccupied child, who shows no interest in any particular group of children, but only a shifting interest in what happens to be exciting at the moment. 3. Solitary Play: This is play activity that is conducted independently of what anyone else is doing. The child plays with toys that differ from those used by other children in the immediate area within speaking distance, and she makes no effort to get closer to them or to speak to them. The child is focused entirely on her own activity and is uninfluenced by other children or their activities. 4. Parallel Play: Here the child is playing close to other children but is still independent of them. The child uses toys that are like the toys being used by the others, but he uses them as he sees fit and is neither influenced by nor tries to influence the others. The chid thus plays beside rather than with the other children. 5. Associative Play: Here the child plays with other children. There is a sharing of play material and equipment; the children may follow each other around; there may be attempts to control who may or may not play in a group, although such control efforts are not strongly asserted. The children engage in similar but not necessarily identical activity, and there is no division of labor or organization of activity or individuals. Each child does what he or she essentially wants to do, without putting the interests of the group first. 6. Cooperative or Organized Supplementary Play: The key word in this category is â€Å"organized. The child plays in a group that is established for a particular purpose: making some material product, gaining some competitive goal, playing formal games. There is a sense of â€Å"we-ness,† whereby one definitely belongs or does not belong to the group. There is also some leadership present–one or two members who direct the activity of the others. This therefore requires some division of labor, a taking of different roles by the group members, and the support of one child’s efforts by those of the others. C. Observational Objectives To learn about the distinguishing characteristics of different forms of play, specifically according to Parten’s classification of play behaviors. D. Procedure Familiarize yourself with Parten’s classifications of play as described above. Select two children in the preschool and observe each of them for 15 minutes, preferably during a free-choice period when the children are free to move about the room and play with who or what they wish. (Do not attempt to observe both children at the same time! ) As you observe each child, look for examples of each type of play or social interaction as described by Parten. Also, in addition to classifying each child’s play behaviors, observe whether there are any patterns to their play. For example, are there particular situations in which a child tends to be an onlooker, but in other situations he/she engages in parallel or cooperative play? As you observe, you should take notes regarding these relevant issues so that you will have something to work from in writing your paper. For each child, your paper should include a brief description of the types of play exhibited (including information about which type(s) are exhibited most frequently) and the social context which characterized each type of play. Additionally, you should provide an interpretation of your observations based on what you’ve learned about development during the preschool years. III. EMOTION BEHAVIOR A. Background Information Emotions are such a basic part of our psychological beings that we sometimes take them for granted. Some of our emotions are clearly identifiable by us. We know when we are angry, frightened, or joyous. At other times, however, we can have feelings that are not so clear; we may not be able to label what we feel. Whatever the case, emotions are internal experiences that are private and directly accessible only to the individual experiencing them. This being so, we cannot state with certainty what emotion another person is feeling. She must tell us, or we must infer the emotion on the basis of the individual’s behavior, facial expressions, and the event that preceded and might have caused the feeling. A child’s emotional behaviors become more refined and extensive as she matures. Therefore, a four- or five-year-old will typically be more emotionally expressive than a two-year-old. In this exercise, you will be trying to gain some understanding of the child’s emotional behaviors, of the range of her emotions and the kinds of situations that prompt these behaviors. Again, you can only infer what the child is feeling and cannot observe emotions directly. Therefore, be cautious in your interpretations and concentrate on the child’s obvious behaviors and the contexts in which they occur. 1. There are several emotions that are commonly found in preschool children: aggression, dependency and fear. Aggressive behavior is frequently defined as behavior that is intended to physically or psychologically hurt another person (or oneself) or to damage or destroy property. An important issue is whether a behavior is intentionally aggressive or simply an accidental occurrence. Further, it is argued by some that in order for a behavior to be termed aggressive, the aggressor must feel anger or hostility toward the â€Å"victim† and must derive satisfaction from hurting the victim. This kind of aggression is called hostile aggression. In contrast to hostile aggression, there can be cases where the aggressor is interested only in getting some object from the victim or achieving some goal. This is called instrumental aggression, and it need not involve anger or hostility. Observe the child’s behavior for instances of aggression, either toward  another child or an adult, or towards objects in the environment. Be certain to differentiate between intentional, hostile and instrumental acts of aggression. What kinds of situations or frustrations make the child angry? What behaviors by other people anger the child? How does the child express his/her anger? Dependency consists of such behaviors as clinging or maintaining proximity to adults or other children, seeking approval, recognition, assistance, attention, and reassurance, and striving for affection and support. It is important to recognize that all of us are dependent. The issue is to what degree and under what circumstances we show our dependency. It is also useful to distinguish between two basic types of dependency: a) instrumental dependency, which essentially is the necessary reliance we have on others for certain things that are beyond our capacity to do; and b) emotional dependency, which is a need to be near others and to have their support, affection and reassurance. It can also be the unwillingness or the selfperceived inability to do things for oneself that one can or should be able to do. It is important that, where possible, you distinguish instrumental dependency from emotional dependency behaviors. It is also important to note that as children mature, the characteristics of their dependency behaviors change. Very young children are likely to show clinging and proximity-seeking behaviors, whereas older children, who also have greater cognitive abilities, will likely seek attention and approval. Q3: 3. Fear is demonstrated by such behaviors as crying, withdrawing, seeking help, and avoiding the fear-producing situation. Fear can promote both dependency and aggressive behaviors. Nonetheless, fear can be expressed in such a way that it, and not aggression or dependency, is the primary emotion. Q4: 4. In what situations or activities is the child dependent, and, for example, seeks the presence, direction, or assistance of others? In what situations is the child independent and does not seek direction or assistance from others? What kinds of objects or situations appear to scare the child? In what ways does the child express his/her fears? How does he/she deal with his fears (e. g. , by withdrawing, confronting the fearful situation, seeking help)? In addition to the emotional behaviors just discussed, there are other feelings that children are capable of experiencing and expressing. You should be alert to as many of the child’s affective states as possible. For example, there are the feelings of pleasure and displeasure, frustration, boredom and sadness. Like adults, children will differ as to how accurately they can identify and/or express what they feel. Q5: What kinds of things does the child find pleasant? What activities, play materials, stories, games and so on, seem to be particularly attractive to the child? How does the child express that pleasure? Q6: What kinds of things are unpleasant or uncomfortable for the child? In what situations does the child appear to be ill at ease? How does she express her displeasure? Q7: Are all or most of the child’s feelings expressed with equal strength, or does their intensity vary with the particular feeling or situation? B. Observational Objectives To learn about the differences in children’s emotional behaviors and the range of emotional responses in preschool children. C. Procedure Select two children, observe and record each child’s behavior for a 15-minute period (do not attempt to observe both children at the same time! ). Record behaviors in as much detail as possible (attending to the kinds of things that would help you answer the above questions) and be sure to include descriptions of the physical and social context as they apply to the emotional behaviors observed. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU OBSERVE CHILDREN DURING THE VERY BEGINNING OF THEIR PRESCHOOL CLASS SO THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO SEE THEM AS THEY ARE BEING DROPPED OFF BY THEIR PARENTS AND THEN MAKING THEIR INITIAL ADJUSTMENT TO THEIR PRESCHOOL SETTING. Your paper should include a brief description of each child’s behavior (including the different kinds of emotions, the contexts in which they occurred and the relative frequency of each expression) as well as an interpretation or comment on each child using some of the questions and background information provided above. Finally, compare the two children, looking at the range of emotional expression, intensity of expression, and what evokes the emotional responses. In short, summarize how the children differ from each other in this area of functioning.

Friday, August 30, 2019

A Modest Proposal for holding Fathers Equally Essay

Traditionally, the concept of abortion, child-rearing, home management, prostitution and even pornography are all attributed to women – women as subject. In the issue of abortion, women are more likely judged as immoral or not good parent for either aborting or not aborting her child (for certain reasons). In Child-rearing, the mothers are the very ones who are blamed if it happened that her children grew rebellious and defiant. Home management is in all likelihood tagged as women’s function. In the issues of prostitution and pornography, women are the central subjects for judgment. They are more seen as immoral as compared to how men are treated. In short, there are still unresolved problems regarding gender roles and gender biased structure of society. This essay addresses the issue of making fathers or men also accountable for the occurrence of such societal conflicts. Traditional Gender Roles By tracing our history, we could arrive at an evaluation that women and the mothers were discriminated in the society. Having a patriarchal structure of society wherein men or the fathers are labeled as superior over women or the mothers. The traditional structure inside the house was that the father was regarded as the head of the house whom has the highest authority. He has the final say in all things concerning the family. His well-established role as father was providing the needs of the family. Consequently, given such structure inside the home, the community and even the whole society became attached to that particular belief that only men or the fathers have the right to be the head or the bearer of the highest authority otherwise conflict would arise. Because of this traditional conception women and mothers were viewed as the destroyers of order and peace in the society if they would insist themselves as equal as or higher than men and the fathers. Recommendation According to Katha Pollit, the fathers should also be accountable for all the conflicts that arise inside the house, in the community, and in the society. (Barnet & Bedau, 2004) They (the fathers) are not really attributed with perfect characteristics. They have also the predisposition of doing wrong things just like the mothers. When the marriage relationship failed, the mother should not the only one whom should be blamed. The father has also part in that failed relationship. When a child grew up as disobedient and rebellious, the mother is not the only one who is responsible for disciplining her child. The father, being also a parent of his child, has the responsibility of disciplining and molding his child’s attitude. In the case of abortion, mothers are not the only persons who make the problem. The father has also a responsibility towards the pregnancy of the mother. In this contemporary period, women are asserting and fighting for their equal rights with men. They are consistent with their campaign of establishing laws that would make them equal with men. In cases of parenting and marriage relationship, it is really unintelligible to say that only women have this responsibility of taking care and disciplining the children and working out their marriage life. The father has also such responsibilities toward his children and his wife. As a conclusion, all must be enlightened with the fact that everyone has a responsibility towards each other and towards the society. Men and the fathers are not exempted from this kind of responsibility. Women or the mothers cannot manage the home without the assistance and aid of her partner, the father or her husband. Both of them are responsible for molding and guiding their children. And truly, it takes two to tango. Reference: Barnet, S. , & Bedau, H. (2004). Current Issues and Enduring Questions (7th student ed. ). Bedford/St. Martin’s.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Culture Clashes in Daisy Miller Essay

Throughout the world people have differing ideas on what is good and bad based on whatever culture one visits one is sure to find major differences. In the period that this story takes place the US is trying to find its own identity and establish their own traditions. In the Europeans perspectives the Americans were deviant people because their culture was out of the norm. Winterbourne is stunned and intrigued immediately once he meets Daisy. He growing up with a more European lifestyle finds Daisy’s flirtatious and outgoing attitude very abnormal yet refreshing. Many of the older women in society, especially his mother, find her to be cheap and very unlady like due to her lack of classy behavior compared their idea of a proper high society woman should behave like. The book Daisy Miller, illustrates the American lifestyle, compared to the proper etiquette of European social standards. The novel Daisy Miller is the story of a girl who is on vacation with her mother and little brother. Along the way she meets Winterbourne and whom he immediately notices that she is different than other girls he has met in the past. She gives off an aura of wanting to become independent and a free spirit. Which all of the other women look down upon because they find it very trashy and very improper, especially for someone of such a high status also. Daisy’s family is of high society and normally girls like Daisy are quiet and respectful, never is it heard of to approach a man to which she is not acquainted with. Therefore, the idea that Daisy is flirtatious and so headstrong and direct with Winterbourne is just shocking to everyone who hears of her. She makes a great impact on those around her and unfortunately most do not like her because she is different and American. Henry James was born in New York on April 15, 1843 and died February 28, 1916 of edema following a series of strokes in London( â€Å"Henry James† par 1). He was the son of Henry, a minister, and Mary (â€Å"Henry James† par 1). He immigrated to England in 1910 and was naturalized in 1915(â€Å"Henry James† par 1). Since he was born in the US he had a similar outlook on perhaps what he wrote about. He moved to London for the latter part of his life, which caused him to see the extreme difference in the European perspective. This is what the novel Daisy Miller is all about. The differences and the controversy that occurs when two different cultures clash together. James had a very successful career that always involved writing. He was a well-known literary critic and novelist. He was a writer for Nation and art critic for The Atlantic in 1866-1869(â€Å" Henry James par 2). He was a writer for the New York Tribune while living in Paris for a year. Surprisingly though he was also a volunteer among the displaced and wounded during World War I (â€Å" Henry James par 2). He received many prestigious awards throughout his life including the Order of Merit in 1915 and he was commemorated with the James memorial stone (â€Å" Henry James par 4). Henry James lived from 1843 to 1916, which is around the same time that he set the period in the novel Daisy Miller. James lived the majority of his life in the US and was raised with the American culture. For the latter years of his life he moved to London were most people were still living in an old-fashioned setting as opposed to Americans who were exploring and expanding from the European way. James having experienced life in both areas causes him to not give quite a clear suggestion on which culture he prefers, â€Å" In late Victorian eyes, Daisy was likely to be either wholly innocent or guilty; James, either all for her or against her†( Ohmann par 1). Due to this the reader is never told which culture James ends up supporting, â€Å" James began writing with one attitude towards his heroine and concluded with a second and different attitude toward her(Ohmann par 1). In the novel Daisy is often regarded as an outsider or an unwelcome intruder in society. Her outgoing and free spirit causes people, specifically Europeans, to look down on her because her behavior does not conform with the norms of that particular society. She stands out but at the same time she does not really care that people are talking about her and looking down on her with distaste. She puts it in the back of her mind and just tells her self that she will do whatever she wants and she will not let anybody tell her that she is not able to. She does not let the fact that she is a woman restrain her from achieving what she wants. Yet at the same time she maintains her dignity and pride while still acting like a woman to a certain extent. She balances the fine line through the book of the quiet proper woman and the wild American. She maintains the free spirit of an American girl, but traditionally she is still a woman who has escorts and fine extravagant dinner parties for young high society people. She revolutionizes the idea that it would be alright to loosen up on occasion, â€Å" her conduct is without blemish, according to the rural American standard, and she knows no other†(Howells par 2). However in the perspective of other people they regard her as a nuisance and someone who is a threat to society because she could soil and corrupt the minds of their young daughters: â€Å" Daisy exemplifies those young girls who have fine social gifts to be sure but whose cleverness is too much for them and if allowed any influence their folly runs away with them, like horses with the bits between their teeth†(Montiero par 4). She stands out and people around her do not appreciate her trying to be different because they do not want to accept change or different cultures. They are all used to the regular routine and tradition that the generations before them have set up and carried out for hundreds of years before them. They expected to continue with tradition for hundreds until they saw things were changing and were scared to approach it so they tried to shut it out. The novel Daisy Miller represents a major problem that is still controversial to this day. Still in the world cultures clash and people are sometimes offended at others. However no one can be blamed because its all about the society’s norms and values. Every society is different and what may be important not one may not necessarily be as important to some one else. Many cultures differ but fortunately they find a common ground to agree upon on the basic rules of society. They may not agree completely but they are willing to acknowledge that its true. Works cited Deakin, Motley F. â€Å"Daisy Miller, Tradition, and the European Heroine. † Comparative Literature Studies. 6. 1(Mar. 1969): 45-59 Rpt. in Literature Resource Center. Detroit: Gale. Farragut High School. 26 oct. 2009 < http://go. galegroup. com> â€Å"Henry James. † Contemporary Authors Online. Detroit: Gale, 2003. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Farragut High. 22 Oct. 2009 < http://go. galegroup. com > Howells, William Dean. â€Å" Defense of Daisy Miller. † Discovery of a Genius: William Dean Howells and Henry James. Ed. Albert Mordell Twayne Publishers, 1961. 88-91. Rpt in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Thomas Votteler. Vol. 8. Detroit: gale Research, 1991. 88-91. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Farragut High School. 26 Oct. 2009 James, Henry. Daisy Miller. New York: Penguin Books,1995. Monteiro, George. â€Å"What’s in a Name? James’ Daisy Miller. † American Literary Realism. 39. 3 (Spring 2007): p. 252. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Farragut High School. 25 Oct. 2009 < http:// go. galegroup. com> Ohmann, Carol. â€Å" Daisy Miller: A study of Changing Intentions. † American Literature. 36. 1 (Mar. 1964):1-11 Rpt in Short Story Criticism. Ed. Anna J. Sheets. Vol. 32. Detroit: gale Group, 1999. 1-11. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Farragut High School. 22 Oct. 2009 < http://go. galegroup. com > Wardley,Lynn. â€Å"Reassembling Daisy Miller. † American Literary History. 3. 2(Summer 1991):232-254. Rpt in Short Story Criticism. Ed Anna J. Sheets. Vol. 32. Detroit: Gale Group,1999. 232-254. Literature Resource Center. Gale. Farragut High School. 23 Oct. 2009

Private Equity Funds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Private Equity Funds - Essay Example These types of funds have huge difference from the other investment funds from the perspective of the business strategy used for seeking control over the businesses where they have invested (Cumming, 2009). These types of funds are also different in their structure because they are generally close-ended and have finite life time. The private equity funds have fixed number of shares. Private Equity Firms Nowadays, the leveraged buyout investment companies are referred to as the private equity organizations (Stowell, 2010; 2012). These types of firms are different from the venture capital firms which invest in emerging and young companies and as a result are not able to seek the majority control (Cumming and Johan, 2013). The emergence of private equity firms arose from the leveraged buyouts. The leveraged buyouts started during the 1980’s (Kaplan and Stromberg, 2009). The leveraged buyouts had increased rapidly in this decade and gradually the leveraged buyout companies became dominant corporate organizations. The private equity firms have been defined as the decentralized organizations with relatively fewer numbers of employees and investment professionals. Big private equity firms are larger in size but smaller than the firms where they make the investments. The funds raised by these private equity firms are known as the private equity funds. ... The limited partners are the institutional investors like, the public and corporate pension funds, insurance companies or other wealthy investors. Now the question arises whether the private equity companies are the limited partners or the general partners. These firms act as the general partners of the fund. It is compulsory that the general partners provide at least one percent of the total amount of capital. However, some general partners invest even higher. These private equity funds have definite or fixed lifetime that ranges from 10 to 13 years. The private equity firm has a time period of five years, for investing the total capital to be funded to the companies and then, an additional time period of another five to eight years, for returning the total capital amount to the investors. After providing the capital amount, the limited partners do not have much to say about how the general partners would be deploying the investment funds, till the basic contents of the actual fund agreement are followed by these general partners. The basic contents of the fund agreement include restraints on the amount of fund capital that can be invested in one particular company, types of securities where the fund can be invested and restraints on the debt amount. The general partner i.e. the private equity firm, are generally compensated in three different ways. Firstly, these general partners incur a management fee as a percentage of the total capital committed followed by a percentage of the total capital employed, after the investment amount is realized. Secondly, these firms also incur one portion of the profit out of the fund which is known as the ‘carried interest’. The carried interest equals to 20 percent

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Crito Plato Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Crito Plato - Essay Example He knew that the only way of making better amends was by making peace with himself rather than keep on running yet he was already past seventy years. He opined that the best thing for Crito was not to follow or care about the opinions of the many but to adhere to the law. Crito adamantly believes that the opinion of the many has led to the evils of the world, and the way Socrates was treated was a show enough that they were lost of good opinion (Ibid. 51). Agreeably, Socrates seems to think more about what will happen to him and his friends who are willing to risk their lives to have him get out jail. I believe that the best thing as Socrates notes is the adherence to the law. This is something that many do not agree with because corruption has infiltrated many authoritative figures, and the best way of making sure that justice is not served is by offering a little money to achieve personal goals. This also fails to achieve the notable aspects of the society that could allow the world to make better changes and allow the rule of law to take more precedence in dealing with issues within the society. The reflection given by Socrates against Crito is that the wise will always make peace within and not fear what the majority think or feel. They will do anything that is within the law even it if is unjust and may lead to death. Socrates holds on morals that Crito seems to question, but agrees that Socrates is truthful in many of the issues discussed. Socrates wisely listens to what Crito has to say and makes choices based on his volition. He sees the plot as very tempting, but also recognizes the fact that the greater the zeal, the greater the danger (Ibid. 53). He knows that if the plan backfires, many more will be put to hang, and that would make lesser sense. He knows that his mistakes should not be placed on a platform that frightens the rest of the society but which define the fairest way of

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Biggest Issue Facing The American Correction System Research Paper

The Biggest Issue Facing The American Correction System - Research Paper Example The correctional system in the US continues to suffer serious problems that hamper its smooth operations. These problems include but not limited to; overcrowding, the radicalization of inmates, prisoners deviant behaviors, funding, litigation, negative coverage from the media, mental conditions affecting inmates, lack of staff morale from the prison officers, and lack of proper training of prison officers and guards (Cole, 2015). The radicalization of inmates has become a growing concern in the correctional system today. Members of organized gangs, terrorist groups, and religious sects are quietly and rapidly recruiting inmates into their outfits. The usage of contraband mobile phones inside the prisons is also a contributory factor. The proliferation of violence and other deviant behaviors in prisons is also a problem. It is estimated that about 60 percent of all incarcerated persons in the US is violent (Cole, 2015). This behavior leads to confrontations between inmates and officer s. Funding has also been highlighted as one of the bottlenecks the correctional system is facing. Federal budget cuts targeting the prison system affects programs such as staff training, consequently affecting job morale. However, overcrowding is the arguably the biggest issue affecting the American correctional system today. Overcrowding, of all issues bugging the prison system, has been cited as the biggest and most troubling. In the US today, over 2 million Americans and other foreign individuals have been incarcerated.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Public health law. (summary topic about marijuana legalization ) for Scholarship Essay

Public health law. (summary topic about marijuana legalization ) for scholarly paper. not full scholarly paper but only one page summary topic - Scholarship Essay Example In addition, it is also argued that decriminalizing the use and sale of marijuana would reduce the processing and enforcement tasks for criminal justice agencies that are associated with marijuana use. Thirdly, proponents for decriminalization of marijuana contend that a direct correlation exist between the number of cases or arrests that the criminal justice system processes for marijuana sale and use and the funds used by criminal justice agencies (Brownstein, 2013). Finally, there is an argument that elimination or reduction of events related to marijuana would portend a proportionate decline in the expenses for criminal justice agencies. However, opponents of this argument claim that the increased use of marijuana that will result from legalization (Pacula & Kilmer, 2013), which may result in additional crime and a subsequent increase in costs for non-criminal justice agencies like mental health facilities. In addition, it is also claimed that legalizing marijuana could result in lower worker productivity due to the depressant-effects of marijuana. Finally, statistics show that a high proportion of those in adult correctional facilities have an ongoing marijuana habit and, therefore, legalizing marijuana would result in increased rates of crime (Hoobler & Hoobler, 2012). In conclusion, it seems that the decriminalization or legalization of marijuana may only portend marginal effects on costs to the criminal justice system. However, it could allow the criminal justice system to focus on public safety issues of more

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Evaluate an Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Evaluate an Argument - Essay Example The author further states that the information may be true but, but since the experts do not review the site’s access; there is a substantial peril in relying on this resource for your academic works (Isites.harvard.edu, n.d.). As with the conclusion of the argument, the author clamps the whole argument against the use of Wikipedia and suggests that Wikipedia is good for use for some functions. For instance, they can be used for becoming accustomed or background information of what one is researching (Isites.harvard.edu, n.d.). For the validation of the argument to hold, it means that all of their premises that support the argument are all true and the conclusion must ultimately be true. The argument in this article is valid because the premises are well linked to the conclusion. In terms of soundness, the argument is not sound even if it is deductive and logically valid; it has some mythical arguments that habitually make it unsound. When viewed from an inductive perspective, which holds on the basis of probability, that if the premises given are true then conclusion is most likely to be true. The inductive argument employed here is strong- it holds on the assumption that the conclusion of X is probably true if the premises of X are true. The deductive is valid as per the author’s premises for a number of reasons, which include; the contributors are not expertise and are anonymous and, therefore, their credibility is questionable; the information or articles on the website are out-of-date and may be posted by someone who wants to just mislead the audience; and because the administrators do not review the site’s access. Based on these validations, it clear that the deductive argument is true and valid since its conclusion sustains all the premises stated therein. However, the deductive argument in the article is not sound because of the following. Several

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Assess the significance of religious conflicts in creating a Essay

Assess the significance of religious conflicts in creating a parliamentary challenge to royal authority in the years 1529-164 - Essay Example The open conflict that developed between the King and parliament in 1629 arose from a series of clashes that had begun when Charles I succeeded to the throne in 1625, but its root course laid much deeper intensions that had existed since 1603. James had inherited a monarch with conditions of a mixed inheritance from his predecessors. On one hand, he had inherited a very stable system of government where the royal power was accepted and also exercised through a legal system which drew from the common law in the kingdom. There were also areas where direct power was exercised through the royal prerogative. The society he inherited was relatively prosperous and well ordered with characteristics of increased education and able administrators (Noble, Strauss, Osheim, Nauschel and Accampo, 2010). During the same time, he was the head of the Church of England and so he had the responsibility of very contentious issues that could affect individuals in the society. He was also faced with major financial problems which were worsened by the war against Catholic Spain and the rebellion in Catholic Ireland. Most of Elizabeth’s subjects welcomed the accession of James I into power because being a male protestant king with several children; he offered the prospects of security and stable succession. Catholics hoped that the respect for his dead mother, Mary queen of Scots would make him ease the persecution they suffered. The puritans on the other hand hoped that his upbringing in the Presbyterian church of Scotland would actually favor their plans for reform. However in the long run, both were utterly disappointed because James suspended the collection of fines for recusancy. However he re- imposed them in 1604 when he was faced with complaints in his parliament and thus feared the loss of income (Noble et al, 2010). His move led an extremist minority

Friday, August 23, 2019

Optional ethnicity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Optional ethnicity - Essay Example On the other hand, it is true that the non-whites are not capable of choosing their ethnicities, even if they adopted the most popular ethnic symbols of the White ethnicities. On the other hand, it is also true that the Whites choose their ethnicities based on the amount of negative consequences. Waters claims that in the United States, the White Americans have the opportunity to choose their ethnicities, unlike the other minority groups. White Americans can either choose to be plain ‘White’ or choose an ethnicity, with regard to their ancestry. Waters also focuses on symbolic ethnicity, which she associates with later-generations of most White Americans. In this type of ethnicity, the individuals involved do not experience any social cost. This is because of the symbolic identifications in the ethnic group, which attracts later-generations to identify with. For instance, some whites might identify with the Irish Americans only during the special occasions such as vacati ons, or family holidays (Waters 3). Waters also notes that the whites are not influenced by ethnicity, compared to the minority groups in the US (4). In addition, they are at liberty to either choose their ethnicity, from their genealogies or not choose any, unlike the minority groups, who have to identify themselves with their identity. Symbolic identity mainly occurs among the whites, when they identify themselves with different ethnicities by adopting the popular ethnic symbols of those ethnicities. For instance, celebrating St. Patrick’s Day in order to be associated with the Irish ethnicity, thus, signaling their Irish ethnicity. However, a non-white celebrating St. Patrick’s Day will not be regarded Irish, since these are not capable of optional ethnicities. Waters introduces another element of ethnicity, which is the ‘non-optional’ ethnicity. This is the opposite of optional ethnicity, and mainly affects the minority. Unlike optional ethnicity, whic h is chosen with a free will, non-optional ethnicity is imposed on individuals. Oppositional ethnicity also affects the minority groups in society. In this type of ethnicity, members of the minority groups will seek companionship among themselves, and sometimes distance themselves from the mainstream population. In this case, the minority group will want to maintain their identity, which could be influenced by their history, or their uniqueness, with regard to other factors. The remaining members mostly judge the people who abandon this kind of ethnicity in a negative way. Waters attributes this ethnicity to the blacks and the Latinos. She believes that, â€Å"the oppositional component of a black identity also explains how black people can question whether other black are acting black enough† (Waters 7). In this case, the blacks or any ethnic minority groups are expected to act according to the values of their group, which is different from those of the mainstream population , and any deviance by one member is questionable. In the article Notes of a Native Speaker, Erick Liu talks about his experiences that relate to his ethnicity, immigration, and race, during his childhood and teenage years. Although Liu was Chinese, after immigration, he became a Chinese-American. However, he was called ‘banana’ by other Asians, for emulating the values of White Americans. Liu experienced vast challenges adapting to life in America, especially with regard to culture. Even though he was a citizen of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

To His Coy Mistress Essay Example for Free

To His Coy Mistress Essay â€Å"To his coy Mistress† is poem written by Andrew Marvell, and this is one of his best poems ever. Author used Carpe Diem, very interesting style of writing poetry. In this poem he describes his life and how he wanted a more time with special woman. â€Å"To his importunate Mistress† is poem which is written by Peter de Vries. He also in his poem used many things that are like in Marvell’s poem â€Å"To his coy Mistress. The first sentence is same in both poem, so many writers considered that his story is copy of the Marvell’s â€Å"To his coy Mistress†. The first poem has three stanzas, and we can see that author in this poem want tell us that all he wants is more time to him and his love. The major role in this poem has woman, who is more or less young, and an old man. In the first stanza the old man describes how he would love her, but it is not enough time for everything he wants. He also talks about how he could spend much time with her so that he can watch and admire each part of her body. His love is so big, so he says that her refusal would not affect on him because he is diligent in what he wants. In the second stanza he recalls how short human life is, and that we don’t have much time to do all things which we want. He thinks that everyone should enjoy in life, and do everything what they want. If we have opportunity for something we mustn’t miss it, because we could regret later. The last stanza talked about how he urges her to comply, claiming that in loving each other with passion they will make the most of the time they have to live. The second poem â€Å"To his importunate Mistress† is written by Peter de Vries. Peter de Vries was an American editor and novelist known for his satiric wit. His poem â€Å"To his importunate Mistress† has two stanzas. On the beginning of the first stanza we can see that the first sentence is the same like in Marvell’s â€Å"To his Coy Mistress†. So we can say that Peter de Vries poem is meant to mock Andrew Marvells To Coy His Mistress. Peter’s poem talked about having a mistress. The author describes a man who has a wife but also he has a mistress. His wife accepts him as it is, because she loved him. The material things are the most important thing in his life and he doesn’t see anything except that. All his time he devoted her mistress and forgets about his wife. He bought her many expensive things, and thoughts that he can with that things attract any woman. But on the end he realized that his wife is the only who was loved him all that time. On the end of this poem we can conclude that his wife beat his mistress and she was able to return to her husband. â€Å"To his coy Mistress† is a metaphysical poem, which is written in iambic tetrameter. He also used metaphors, irony and in the first part of the poem the speaker appeals to the character, in the second part he expresses his emotions, and in the third part the speaker uses reason. The setting for this story is very important because in this poem we have two layers of setting, the setting which we imagine and setting which speaker imagines. In the second poem the speaker also used symbols, irony and metaphors. Both stories tell about mistress, and the first sentences are same in both poems. So we can say that the Peter’s poem is a parody of Marvell’s â€Å"To his Coy Mistress†. De Vries’s used the same structure and metaphors like Marvell in his poem. There are a many similarities, but there are also differences. â€Å"To his importunate Mistress† shows stereotypical characteristics, the most important thing in life is money, while â€Å"To his coy Mistress† speaks of love and praise. In the first poem the author used carpe diem, which describes the passion of society.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Essay Example for Free

Fahrenheit 451 Essay Fahrenheit 451 is a book that was published by Ray Bradbury in 1953. This book tells the story in which intellectual thought and books are illegal. According to the book, the futuristic firemen have the responsibility of setting fire to the books and any place that they reside. Numerous significant symbols occur in this book. In my opinion, fire, the Hearth and the Salamander, and the Phoenix are three of the most important symbols. The title of the book is an important symbol in and of itself. Ray Bradbury titled the book Fahrenheit 451 because 451 degrees Fahrenheit is the temperature at which paper burns. Fire is a symbol of destruction. It’s significant because the main character, Guy Montag, and the rest of the firemen burn books because they are illegal. When seventeen-year-old Clarisse McClellan asks if Montag ever reads any of the books he burns, he laughs and replies â€Å"That’s against the law!† When Clarisse and Montag begin to talk more, Montag is taken aback by the different knowledge that Clarisse expresses to him. She tells him that firemen used to be sent out to stop fires, not start them. Montag couldn’t fight the sudden burning curiosity that over took all of his past beliefs. He began to collect books from each book burning and read them. The Hearth and the Salamander is the title of the first section of the book. Hearths are fireplaces that are traditionally placed in the center of the home and are a source of warmth. They represent the constructive use of fire, which Clarisse unintentionally shows Montag. After walking and talking with Clarisse, he realizes that he is not happy. The book states, â€Å"He felt his smile slide away, melt, fold over and down on itself like a tallow skin, like the stuff of a fantastic candle burning too long and now collapsing and now blown out. Darkness. He was not happy.† The salamander on the other hand was once believed to be able to live in fire without being consumed by it. This represents the destructive side of fire. Salamanders are the names given to the fire trucks and are the official symbols of the firemen. When Clarisse meets Montag for the first time the book describes her as being, â€Å"hypnotized by the salamander on his arm.† The Phoenix is a huge symbol that is mentioned in the novel. Toward the end of the story, the city is completely destroyed. The Phoenix was a mystical bird that would burn itself up and then rise again. Granger explains the legend of the Phoenix to Montag when they are watching the fire. It’s used to symbolize the renewal of mankind. Like the Phoenix, they have the ability to rise from the ashes, and rebuild their society. These extremely significant symbols are what make the novel a fantastic story. Fire, the Hearth and the Salamander, and the Phoenix are three symbols that I chose to go into detail about. They each express a different meaning of the book. The thought of firemen starting fires is something that could possibly change when rebuilding the city. At the end of the book they have one thing in mind and that is to change people’s minds about books.

Looking At The Fate Of Romeo And Juliet English Literature Essay

Looking At The Fate Of Romeo And Juliet English Literature Essay Romeo pronounces these words right after having mortally wounded Tybalt, guilty of having just killed Romeos friend Mercutio. In a fit of rage, Romeo takes his sword and attacks Tybalt ferociously, killing him. This is the climax of the play, that will change inevitably the destiny of the two star-crossed lovers. Romeo realizes what he has done, now he knows he has to pay the consequences of his deed, his already dangerous love for Juliet is going to cause a compulsive chain of tragic events, bringing the two lovers to certain death. He defines himself as a puppet of the unpredictable destiny. Even from the opening lines, the audience is informed about the tragedy that is going to affect the two protagonists, establishing fate as a theme at the foreground of the play. The idea that tragic circumstances were decided from birth for these two lovers is suggested: from forth the fatal loins (I.i.5). This line together with, a pair of star-crossed lovers take their life (I.i.6) explains to the audience that destiny was what first brought them together and is what will eventually separate them. The Choruss opening speech is continually echoed throughout the rest of the play by other characters making direct references to fate. As Susan Snyder states: tragedy can be seen as a ritual sacrifice, in which the protagonist is both hero and victim, [], separated from the ordinary, but destined for destruction.  [2]   Even though Romeo defines himself as helpless victim of his fortune, there is much evidence of the important roles that Romeo and Juliet have in shaping and, in many cases, worsening, their destiny. After a careful reading of the play we can state that it is not just a question of destiny. Romeo and Juliet would have been able to save their relationship simply by using more acuteness, composure and resolution. The choice of means confronting Romeo and Juliet is not confined to a single occasion, they are given a series opportunity of choice  [3]  , but unluckily they always seem to choose the wrong way in which to direct their story. Again we find a metaphor relating to the stars, as if Shakespeare has chosen these celestial bodies as symbols for the fatality that lies over the whole play. But here we find the first of Romeos mistakes, he takes a decision without thinking of the consequences: he has read the list of guests that are going to be at the feast and although he is informed about the presence of Capulets, Montagues arch-enemies, he decides to attend in any case. As already mentioned, Romeo kills Tybalt out of rage, even though he knows it makes things all the worse for his current situation with Tybalts cousin, Juliet; but a far more basic instinct, the desire of a man to avoid being thought a coward prevails and Romeo is driven to fight Tybalt. While Romeo lacks composure, Juliets flaw is impetuosity. During the balcony scene, Juliet hurries Romeo into marriage by constantly questioning his love for her and saying things like, If thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow (II.i.143-4). The Friars flaw, which in the end had a big effect on this tragedy, is to be too impulsive. He offers to marry Romeo and Juliet, even though he knows there is a huge conflict between the families, probably hoping that the marriage would have solved all the rivalries. Moreover, we must remember that it is the Friar who gives Juliet the potion for suspended animation, which aggravates things even more. Even though the protagonists share many fatal defects, lots of things happen to their misfortune that is not their fault. First of all, Romeo and Juliet shared the unfortunate fate that they were from feuding families, putting their relationship in jeopardy from the beginning. Juliet expresses well this idea in her soliloquy on the balcony: Whats in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word would smell as sweet [] (II.i.86-87). A second strike of bad luck is the fact that the Capulets, being a typical upper-class traditionalist family, had arranged a marriage between Juliet and Paris, against the will of their daughter. The scene in which Romeo finds out about the feast is another twist of fate. The illiterate servant of Capulets was given the job of telling people about the party. Since he could not read, he was forced to ask two strangers to explain it to him. Those two people could have been anyone, but they just happened to be Romeo and Benvolio. Another ironic fact is that Romeo went to the party because he was madly in love with Rosaline. If Rosaline had been there, and she returned Romeos love, then all the following suffering would never have occurred. Romeo was completely in love with another woman going to the party, which he only found out about in the first place through an adverse stroke of luck. Another example of bad luck is that Romeo never received the letter of Friar Laurence informing him about his and Juliets scheme because of the plague in Mantua, the city where Romeo went to stay after his banishment from Verona. The letter must reach Romeo in time so that he knows of the arran gement between Juliet and the Friar, but the city has been put under quarantine because of a plague. So Romeo never receives the letter and he is left unaware of the plan between the Friar and Juliet: Again we find the concept of fortune. The Friar curses this fate, the unhappy fortune, aware that the story of the two lovers has probably came to an end. Romeo is told by Balthasar that Juliet has died: Her body sleeps in Capels monument, and her immortal part with angels lives (V.i.18-19). These events are the last straw and they will lead to the demise of both characters. Obviously the fate is closely related to the concept of time. Timing, in fact, played the largest role in deciding if they would live or die. Many scholars have defined it as the lovers enemy, which retards his pace when the lovers are separated and accelerates it when they are together:  [4]   O lamentable day! O woeful time! (IV.iv.57) In the balcony scene Juliet hurries because the Nurse is calling her; if Romeo had arrived a few minutes later at the tomb, the tragedy would not have happened; moreover, if the wedding of Juliet and Paris had not been brought forward from Thursday to Wednesday the letter would have had more time to reach Romeo in Mantua; if the Friar had entered the tomb earlier he could have explained the situation to Romeo and no harm would have happened to anyone. These are only a few examples of the negative and mysterious force that seems to control the happenings. We can definitely say that Romeo and Juliet is a crossing of fortuitous events, coincidences and personal responsibilities, all masterfully managed by fate and time. The love story did not have to begin, the two lovers were not meant to meet each other, son and daughter of rival families. They both knew this, but they could not accept it, their love was bigger than anything else. What if it was the temptation of the forbidden which increased their love? Two teenagers, two rebels living in a sexist society made of wedding vows and past rivalry. They preferred to risk, but risking is a matter of fate, a cruel fate which brought them to a certain death. As said by Cassius in Shakespeares Julius Caesar  [5]  , The fault, [à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦], is not in our stars but in ourselves (I.ii-139-40).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Violence on Televison and its Effect on Children Essay -- TV Media Agg

â€Å"Bang- Bang!! You’re dead,† Charlie says to Andrew as they are watching Cops on the television. â€Å"NO! That is not fair, we didn’t get into a fight, and we have to get into a fight before we shot each other!† Andrew announced to Charlie as he starts to stand up! â€Å"Well, then steal something and I will come after you just like in the show!† According to one researcher, â€Å"Before children reach the age of 18, they spend approximately 22,000 hours watching television, and about 200,000 violent acts† (Gunter 23). Violence can come in many forms, but out of all the violence in the media, the television plays a large role in child development. There is plenty of evidence that the viewing of violent programs on television contributes to aggressive behavior in children. The words â€Å"aggression and violence† are used interchangeably and mean the same thing. Aggression is, â€Å"regarded as human behavior which deliberately attempts to cause injury to other people or things that are not one’s one. According to Van der Voort, aggression can be direct or indirect or physical or non-physical (20). There are many definitions which describe aggression and they all focus on the fact that one is doing harm to themselves or to others. â€Å"Violence on television may not affect all children the same way, but it has an effect on everyone† (Honig 66). Children will respond to violence in any situation, it is how much they respond to that is important. In the magazine Young Children, a researcher named Gouze reports that child fell into â€Å"high or low aggressive groups,† depending on their ideas of how they would solve the problem socially with other (68). Aggression/violence is present in the world. Violence on t elevision influences childr... ...of horrible act when in a bad situation!† Andrew’s mom announced after she saw what they playing. â€Å"OK fine, but I get to pick out what book to read† â€Å"NO I get to pick it out† â€Å"No I do!† Charlie and Andrew from there after, never played Cops again, instead they read a book or played with Andrew’s little sister Amber. The negative effects of violence on television influence the way children act in a social environment. If parents knew exactly how the television influences their loved ones, maybe they would take more of an effort to try to stop this aggressive behavior before it starts. Violence comes in many forms that almost every child will either possess or witness. Violence in children is inevitable; in some sort of instance aggression will be apart of a child’s life. Dealing with violence and aggression is the most important objective in child development.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Working Mothers and the Welfare State Essay -- Politics of Work-Family

"How can we explain the differences in work-family policies in the different welfare states?† Kimberly Morgan's research approach is policy centred and focuses in particular on gendered polices. In this book, with a historical comparative approach, she tries to explain how â€Å"both religious practice and religious conflict are key in the formation of the welfare state†. She emphasizes the relationship between â€Å"religion as a political force, gender and familial ideologies, the constellation of political parties and the nature of partisan competition, women's movements, policy legacies, and social structural changes† . As stressed out in the first pages: â€Å"this book examines and explain patterns of work-family policies in Sweden, France, the Netherlands and the United States, giving particular attention to child care policy but also looking at parental leave and flexible work-time arrangements. The analysis focuses on how religion has influenced on this dimension of the welfare state.† As Morgan underlines, gender differences in social policies are explained by women’s movements, by the pressures generated by social structural changes on the welfare state and by ideologies. Given that organized religion is an important source of ideology, we can then say that religion has had a fundamental role in the shaping of the relationship between state, family and gender. In fact organized religions â€Å"have sought to maintain their position as the dominant arbiters of community values and morality with giving a great attention over child and family affairs.† An example of religious influence on public welfare policies is the maintenance of the status quo perpetuated by the Christian democracy’s party. The temporal dimension of the welfa... ...by Kimberly J. Morgan, Stanford University Press, 2006 †¢ Working Mothers and the Welfare State by Kimberly J. Morgan Review by: Jason Beckfield Social Forces, Vol. 86, No. 2 (Dec., 2007), pp. 867-869 Published by: Oxford University Press †¢ Miriam Cohen. (2009) Working Mothers and the Welfare State: Religion and the Politics of Work-Family Policies in Western Europe and the United States, by Kimberly J. Morgan, Labor History, 50:3, 382-383, DOI: 10.1080/00236560903021649 †¢ Ingela K. Naumann. Working Mothers and the Welfare State: Religion and the Politics of Work-Family Policies in Western Europe and the United States, by Kimberly J. Morgan, Journal of European Social Policy DOI: 10.1177/09589287070170030602 2007 17: 286 †¢ Lewis, Jane. Gender and the development of welfare regimes Journal of European Social Policy , 1992

Sunday, August 18, 2019

war on iraq :: essays research papers

Police line streets of Benton Harbor after nights of riots Residents outraged by deadly police chase Wednesday, June 18, 2003 Posted: 8:57 PM EDT (0057 GMT) State and local police make their presence felt Wednesday in Benton Harbor, Michigan. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Story Tools -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RELATED †¢ Interactive: Benton Harbor riots †¢ Map: Benton Harbor, Michigan -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- †¢ CNN Access: Mayor: Police relationship unkind to citizens VIDEO Bullets, fire and rage on the streets of Benton Harbor, Michigan. WSBT reporter Jennifer Kuk is on the scene (June 18) PLAY VIDEO BENTON HARBOR, Michigan (CNN) -- As many as 300 officers from the Michigan State Police and surrounding jurisdictions moved onto the streets of this economically depressed small town Wednesday, hoping to prevent more violence after two nights of rioting triggered by the death of a black motorcyclist fleeing white officers in a high-speed chase. The city has declared a state of emergency and imposed a 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew for children under the age of 16. Adults going to and from work are not affected by the curfew. The rain that began Wednesday evening may also discourage people from gathering outside. Benton Harbor Mayor Charles Yarbrough urged residents to stay home. "The burning must stop, the rocks must stop, people must stop being hurt," Yarbrough said after Tuesday's violent protests left five homes burned and at least 10 people injured. Police used tear gas to break up a crowd of about 300 people early Wednesday. Some of the protestors shot at police, and as many as 12 people were arrested, mostly on charges of civil disturbance and vandalism, Yarbrough said. "It was very violent," Benton Harbor Police Chief Sam Harris said. "We had gunfire. They shot at our trucks, they shot at the captain of police, ran barricades." The violence followed the death Monday night of a black motorcyclist in a high-speed chase by white police officers from nearby Benton Township. The motorcyclist, 28-year-old Terrance Shurn, of Benton Harbor, was killed when he crashed into a vacant building in a neighborhood near the city's center. City Manager Joe Patterson said the Michigan State Police are investigating the incident. Wednesday afternoon, police officers from several different jurisdictions began arriving in Benton Harbor. Some carried riot gear, and several reinforced vans called "peacekeepers" were parked downtown. The bullet-proof vans help protect officers from gunshots, rocks and bottles. Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm said about 130 state police officers are assisting local law enforcement, but she urged local leaders to come together to restore calm.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

A summary of Literature Review of the Health Effects of Obesity

Heslehurst et al (2008), in a study about complications of obesity, sought to determine the effect of maternal BMI status on outcomes of pregnancy with immediate short-term obstetric resource implications.The study was a meta-analysis study that aimed to investigate the relationships between maternal obesity and its impact on obstetric care. Literature concerning cohort studies of pregnant mothers was searched. The pregnant women under study were required to have their anthropometric measurements taken within sixteen weeks gestation, followed up during pregnancy with at least 1 obese and 1 group for comparison.The meta-analysis showed that maternal obesity was significantly related to increased odds of instrumental and caesarian deliveries, hemorrhages, infections, longer hospital stay and increased requirement for neonatal care. Maternal obesity had a significant contribution to poor prognosis for mother and baby when delivering and immediately during the post-partum period.The Nati onal clinical for managing obese pregnant women and public health should urgently therefore come up with interventions to address health of mothers and their babies.Study 2Sullivan et al (2008) sought to investigate the effect of obesity on diabetes, hypertension and hyperlipedemia. The Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) for 2000 and 2002 was used to estimate the impact of health on people with hyperlipedemia, diabetes and hypertension.Multivariate regression methods for controlling variables such as age, race, sex, ethnicity, education, insurance, income, smoking status, proxy response and morbidity were used.   Instruments used in the study include SF-12 physical component scale (PCS-12), mental component scale (MCS-12), visual analogue scale (VAS) and EQ-5D index. The least absolute deviation that was censored was used to for the VAS and EQ-5D while the ordinary least squares (OLS) were employed for the PCS-12 and MCS-12.It was concluded that, obesity significantly aggrava tes the association between diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipedemia and health function, health perception in United States.Merten et al (2008) undertook a study to investigate racial and gender differences in adolescent and young adult psychosocial outcomes. Sample size used was 7,881 African American (915 males and 1,073 females) and white (2864 males and 3029 females) adolescents. The study was basically concerned with examinations of psychosocial consequences that are encountered by obese adolescents.Results of the study showed that obesity in females is associated with lower status when one attains young adulthood. The obese females also tend to be depressive than normal weight females. However, obesity status does not affect the psychosocial outcomes in young adult males. There was no evidence to indicate an interaction between obesity and race.ConclusionObesity in individuals leads to both psychological and physiological consequences. Obesity in pregnant women causes various c omplications which include hemorrhages, neonatal trauma, caesarian and instrumental deliveries among others. Obesity in teenagers leads to low self esteem especially in girls. At the same time obesity exacerbates hyperlipedemia, diabetes and hypertension in individuals suffering from these conditions.ReferencesWang, F and Veugelers, P.J (2008). Self-esteem and cognitive development in the era of the childhood obesity epidemic. Obesity Reviews. 9(6): 615-623Qi et al (2008). Gene-environment interaction and obesity. Nutrition Reviews. 66(12):684- 694.Heslehurst et al (2008). The impact of maternal BMI status on pregnancy outcomes with immediate short-term obstetric resource implications: a meta-analysis. Obesity Reviews. 9(6): 635-683.Sullivan et al (2008). The impact of obesity on diabetes, hyperlipidemia and hypertension in the United States, Quality of Life Research 17(8):1063-1071Merten et al (2008). Adolescent Obesity and Young Adult Psychosocial Outcomes: Gender and Racial Diffe rences, Journal of Youth & Adolescence, 37(9):1111-1122. Other Sources for Literature Review of health effects of obesity

Friday, August 16, 2019

Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White: A Story of Grief or Loss Management

1. Identify the book by title and date of print. E. B. White’s book entitled Charlotte’s Web was first printed in 1952. The book I just read, however, was the one that was printed only in 2001 by HarperCollins. 2. Give a brief summary of the story. The story talks of a runt whom an eight-year-old girl named Fern Arable has saved from being slaughtered by her father. Instead of doing away with the young pig, Mr. Arable puts Fern in charge with it, who later gave it the name ‘Wilbur’. However, after being put a few yards away from Fern to her uncle’s home down the road, Wilbur begins to feel lonely because he needs to have a friend. A voice begins to tell Wilbur that he already has a friend. It was Charlotte, a beautiful gray spider that owns a big vocabulary. A number of weeks after, they learned that Zuckerman plans to slaughter Wilbur. Charlotte forms a plan, and in order to save her friend’s life, she begins to spell words and phrases in her web that praise Wilbur, so Zuckerman decides to bring him to the County Fair. Even if Charlotte has been preparing to lay eggs, she accompanies Wilbur to the fair and spins another word that made way for Wilbur to win the special medal and the $25 award. At the county, Charlotte lays a total of 514 eggs, but she is just about to die, so Wilbur takes her egg sac and takes responsibility of her children. He will never forget Charlotte, his first and most remarkable, true friend. 3. Why do you think this book was chosen for Grief Management Class? Why did you choose this book? I think this book was chosen for Grief Management Class because it clearly reveals a way of being able to manage grief or loss. This is evident in the story when Wilbur shows how strong he is by doing something that is beneficial even with the loss of his true friend, Charlotte. Wilbur takes responsibility of Charlotte’s eggs, knowing that it is the only thing available that would surely give joy to Charlotte had she been alive. I chose this book because I like the theme of the story, as it shows that, while being in a state of grief or loss, it would be useless to merely sit or think and act negatively over the incident. We have to be strong inside and out to be able to stand up and take courage to fight. There are ways that we can use to manage grief or loss. 4. What topics, themes, stereotypes, problems, and information would relate to the following grief management issues in Children and Adolescents text readings that are illustrated in the Charlotte’s Web book? There are grief management issues that are being illustrated in the book: (1) In relation to one child with death, the book illustrates that people who are grieving over the loss of a child should be forward-minded and should think about the alternative of coming up with another child who could help take away the feeling of loss or grief. 2) In relation to Children Developmental Tasks, the book shows how parents should develop the mental and emotional beings of their children, and one example is through the use of chores or responsibilities that train them on how to become strong and independent. (3) In relation to death encounters and attitudes during childhood, the book illustrates that, like young Wilbur, children are helpless over personal cases that trigger the feelings of loss or grief; friends and loved ones should accompany them. 4) In relation to death-related concepts in childhood, the book illustrates that, as seen in the episode after Charlotte dies in the story, children are unable to connect death with the reality of how it can affect the future. (5) In relation to children who live in life-threatening illnesses, the book illustrates that they need friends who would accompany them over their defenselessness. Finally, (6) in relation to helping children cope with death and bereavement, the book shows that coping go hand in hand with new focuses and tasks. . What part of the book made the most impact on you and might remain with you? The part of the book that made the most impact and one that might remain with me is the episode when Charlotte dies alone with Wilbur leaving to take her egg sac. At first, I was anxious as to why Wilbur would do such a thing as to leave Charlotte in the county while dying. Later on, I perceived that what Wilbur did was something that Charlotte would have wanted because her friend took responsibility of something that she would not have been able to do. Friendship does not just focus on friends alone. 6. What did you learn from doing this assignment? From this assignment, I learned that grief or loss management cannot be completed without being strong inside and out. It is doing something that is forward-looking, and doing what our lost or departed friends would have wanted all along. I learned that to manage grief or loss, I have to stand up and fight, while making sure that my mental and emotional sides are intact. Having true friends is also an important factor.

Mario’s family Essay

Mario’s family happens to be in the lower bracket of society. As Mario got home one night, Gloria, his wife, asked for money, which they needed to feed their daughter. Mario told her that he doesn’t have money. Gloria didn’t believe him, and asked him to tell the truth. Mario told his wife the truth – he was fired from his job. The reason is because of an apple. He stole an apple for his daughter because he thought that she would like it – this part shows his love for his daughter. He left with Pablo, his old crime buddy, even if Gloria pleaded very hard for him not to go with the man. Another summary of The World Is An Apple When Mario got home. Gloria saw Mario and she was asking for some money to feed there children to Mario. Mario said that he have no money because he did something. Gloria didn’t believe on what Mario said and said to tell the truth. When Mario answered it, Gloria was shocked on what she heard because Mario lost his job. Gloria asked Mario if how he lost his job and Mario answered it and Gloria was shocked again because Mario said that he lost his job because of an apple. Gloria said that how can he loose his job by just taking one not a dozen not a crate but one apple and Mario answered that he just saw it rolling and he found himself putting it in his bag because Tita would love to have it, and Mario told Gloria that there’s no need to worry because he found a new job. Suddenly Pablo was there ruining the whole conversation and asked them if how is there daughter doing and he’ll loan a few pesos to help there daughter and Gloria said that no thank you because Mario stopped depending on Pablo. Pablo said that Mario’s new job was with Pablo and when Gloria heard it he told Mario that it’s a bad doing and risky. But Mario didn’t listen and walks away with Pablo and told Gloria not to worry because he will come back early morning and don’t wait for him. Gloria cries and shouting Mario, while Tita was crying also because he heard the conversation.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

School Life: What I Learned

As I look back, there are multiple reason I am who I am today, but when I think about it changing to a public school my junior year really had a huge impact on my life and who I am today. It has made me independent and trust of myself, become more involved in school and learned how to balance my time. Also, switch schools, I have experienced a huge diversity of people. My first two years of high school, I attended St.Pius X, there I had gone to school ith all the same people I had known my whole life. Pius was a very small school and very easy to adapt to. After my sophomore year, I just knew something wasn’t right with me. I felt very sheltered and I felt like I wasn’t my own person, I felt myself being like everyone else. Knowing myself and what I wanted in life, I knew St. Pius was no longer the school for me. My Junior year, I switched to North Kansas City, knowing few people going in. Going through something like that, I had no friends and no one to trust myself.I had no fear going in. Being able to start completely over with no friends and no one to trust or go to I developed so much confidence in myself and knew I would adapt quickly. Still to this day, even with the close relationships I have made with people, I am still very independent. I make sure no matter what goes on in my life to take care of all of my responsibilities and this quality will come in handy in college with everything I will experience and will continue to stay successful. To help myself adapt to the change, I became as involved as I possibly could.I joined clubs, did volunteer work and also played three sports all while maintaining a job. Being this involved I was nervous I would become overwhelmed and thought it would be easy to loose my focus with academics but I knew that I couldn’t let that happen. My grades really improved and I was able to manage all of my activities and always get my school work done. This will definitely benefit me in college because I k now that I will be as involved as possible and that i will still maintain the motivation to get ll my work done and take care of every single of my responsibilities I develop in college. North Kansas City is not only a bigger school that I am used to, but also a very diverse school. We represent people from about thirty six different countries. I have developed close relationships with people from places I have never even heard of. At North Kansas City high school there are so many opportunities, every individual person seems like they have found comfort there. I know I have found many things to be involved in.When I get in college I know there will be people all over the world and for most it will be a huge culture shock. Being surrounded by people with different backgrounds and all walks of life and my experience with going to one of the most diverse schools in the country will help me understand people and where they are all coming from. As much as I miss my old friends and old l ife, in the end I am so happy with the change. The self trusting, time management skills and experience to a very diverse school is what is best for me in the future, not only in college but in my career after college as well.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Greenway hotel Case Study Essay

1.0 Introduction Greenway hotel is a hotel chain of Great Britain, and there are more than 60 hotels in Britain. Now, Greenway hotel has a new small hotel chain headquarters in Germany, so they want to keep the half of the new hotel and renamed as Greenway part of the hotel group, the other half to sell. In order to have a better understanding of the Multinational Resourcing, we analyzed the Greenway hotel employees choose way. Multinational Resourcing is A procurement strategy in which a business seeks to find the most cost efficient location for manufacturing a product, even if the location is in a foreign country. (Virolainen, V. M. 1998). Under Multinational Resourcing, there are several strategies may use onto business environment as company direction to become competitive among industries such as Parent Country Nationals (PCNs),Host Country Nationals (HCNs) and Adopt a Mixed (PCNs + HCNs). 2.0 Problem According to the article, because the new hotel is acquired, so many employees have left, so new hotels lack of employees in Germany. As is known to all, Greenway hotel is the hotel chain from the UK, so for the German business perspective, their lack of understanding of German information and business culture. Due to work in Germany, the hotel also has a problem which is the communication between employees, German employees speak German, but Britain’s staffs are using English, hence, it will be difficult to communicate between employees, and produce some problems. Finally, the new hotel requires four months later will be opened, so short time is also a  problem. These problems are the multinational companies outside their home countries to establish subsidiary possible problems, to solve these problems, the company can better development in countries outside of the home country. 3.0 Cause of problem Case study showed that the old employees have departed, 70% due to buy so now, Greenway hotel requires a lot of new employees, just can make the new hotel can normal operation. Second, because of the new hotel is not in home, so they are facing the new management problem, German and British business environment different, in order to attract more guests, new hotels can’t expose more British management mode. Third, due to the new employees have German and British, this will lead to the problem of language, make it difficult to manage the company. Finally, the head office for the time is short, this could lead to a new company open is not ready, it will affect the company’s reputation. 4.0 Recommendation 4.1 Lack of staff Lack of staff that is every multinational enterprises expand when encounter problems. By buying companies, some employees may leave, because the company is not stable, it will make the new staff to reduce, so the new hotel need to recruit more staff. New employees should be good for Chinese people, I believe, is preferred, although this can make the home staff less employment opportunities, but this will be conducive to the development of the new hotel. McDonald’s, for example, McDonald’s in entering a new country, would face a lack of staff. So, they will recruit new employees, such ability can let a subsidiary functioning normally. McDonald’s choice of employees have their own ideas, grass-roots staff they generally choose the host state employees, but the manager will choose home staff, not only conducive to management, also can make the subsidiary can develop faster. So the Greenway hotel should study the staffs choose way, so that we can better development in host countries. 4.2 lack of understanding of German information and business culture Due to Greenway hotel is a British company, the German problem and business culture is not understand. Therefore, the company  cannot be accepted by most customers in Germany, may also than other local hotel, and also will reduce the hotel’s profit. Greenway hotel should hire a part of the German employees, because they know a lot about the domestic market, so , the hotel will be faster accepted by customers. Second, Greenway hotel should find some employees to do market research before the opening, so as to better understand customers’ needs and preferences of Germany. Moreover, the hotels decorate those who can’t accord the British model, to apply to Germany. Like McDonald’s into other countries, for example, they will do market research, according to local custom to produce some suitable for local food, so that we can attract more guests. Second, their grassroots employees can choose host countries, but in front of the work to practice, so as not to not understand the workings of a McDonald’s. Greenway hotel can also use this way, it can be faster understand German problem and the commercial culture, let the new company can be faster to Greenway hotel group to make a profit. 4.3 The communication between staff Because we choose is mixed way to recruit staff, so the employee communication will appear problem. British workers are speaking English, but German workers speak German, so they produce very big problems of communicating. We can use two methods to solve this problem. First, let the staff to learn German, arrange the tutorial, as soon as possible so that we can solve the problem of language. Second, can only by UK employees, top management of the underlying managers choose to master English German, grass-roots staff all adopt the German employees, so you can avoid the problem of language, but this method is less multinationals own characteristic .Now most multinational companies will choose the first method, because it not only to the home country employee job opportunities, but also can cooperate with host country staff, formed a new service mode, so that we can better attract customers and gain   higher profits for the company. 4.4 Preparation time is short From the article, we know that Lincoln company gave only four months as a time to prepare, it is a challenge for the new company. First, they want to recruit employees, because employees 70% have left before. Second, they want  to solve the problem of communication between employees, such ability can let the staff could work together. Third, because the two countries cultures are different. For these problems, 4 months of preparation time is very short, so, in order to know how to solve these problems, for example, McDonald’s when they set up shop in China is mainly for host countries, so that we can reduce the time of the staff. Second, after the good employees, McDonald’s will be paid to staff training, let employees can adapt to the new job. Third, it has carried on the western food, Chinese fast food market survey, listened to the general public opinion. This survey is not common in China at that time. Fourth, to a large number of design novel and unique with the characteristics of McDonald’s advertising create a market in China, this is off the Chinese consumers’ appetite. Greenway hotel can also learn the McDonald’s to enter the Chinese way, hiring and training in Germany, and in training to send staff do market research in advance, and assign to Germany for a development strategy, so as to let the hotel to the development of better, still can save time to prepare. 5.0 Conclusion Along with the deepening of economic globalization and the vigorous development of tourism industry, the multinational hotel group covers more than half of global hotel. Transnational expansion is the inevitable choice of hotel enterprises to seek greater development, global expansion has become the new century hotel enterprise important tourism economic phenomenon. Traditional research in the field of international expansion of hotel enterprises based on the basis of economics and management, and based on the research of geography foundation is weak. Hotel enterprises transnational expansion means that break through the border of a country or region, into another country or region development, this is like a strong geographical spatial properties. Hotel international expansion has become a trend. The expansion of the hotel will produce a lot of problems. So, find the ice can better to solve these problems for hotel development in host countries, bring more profits and business opportunities. References 1. A survey of procurement strategy development in industrial companies. International Journal of Production Economics, 56, 677-688 2. http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E9%BA%A6%E5%BD%93%E5%8A%B3%E5%8 5%AC%E5%8F%B8 3. http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E9%BA%A6%E5%BD%93%E5%8A%B3%E5%8 5%AC%E5%8F%B8

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

How does the military lifestyle affect the social development and Research Paper

How does the military lifestyle affect the social development and academic motivation of adolescents in high school raised in military families during a time of war - Research Paper Example orted on their nature of adapting new places or rather new environment, control exertions, and how fast they adjust to new environment through institutionalized report toward oneself measures. For the ones who were deaf, there was a questionnaire with the same questions as those asked verbally.The results shows that adolescents living in military families reported hoisted levels of behavior issues as indicated by settled clinical standards. Be that as it may, ponder findings likewise show that control endeavors and maternal help act as critical defensive elements against the improvement of behavior issues and enthusiastic symptoms, whereas to abstain from adapting is related to more prominent enthusiastic symptoms (Marting, et al. 2000). It also shows that, those who are affected directly during the times of war are depressed and they are performing poorly in school. Descriptive statistics are utilized to portray the fundamental gimmicks of the data in a study. They give straightforward rundowns about the specimen and the measures. Together with straightforward graphics investigation, they structure the premise of essentially every quantitative examination of data. They are typically extracted from inferential statistic. It is the idea of one number that summarizes the whole measurement. Taking the gender and age as our demographic variable of the adolescents, let X denote the number of boys who were in the sample of adolescents and Y denote the number of girls in that sample. X +Y equals to the whole sample which was taken randomly as per the rules of random sampling. In central tendency, the median is the number that is at the middle of all the measurements or rather is the number at which half the measurement are exceeding that number and the other half are less than that number. The sample has to be arranged in ascending or descending order, then the number at the middle is the median. The descriptive statistics brings out the behavior of the variables

Monday, August 12, 2019

The Lexus and the Olive Tree Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Lexus and the Olive Tree - Essay Example By this, he meant being obsolete and getting phased out. This syndrome led to the loss of productivity economically through wages, productivity, standards of living and competitiveness amongst others. He further expresses globalization by saying one may not know how the globe is revolving unless one understood the new globalization system. The title ‘The Lexus and the olive tree’ is significance in the following ways; The Lexus is a luxurious ultra-modern car and the traditional olive tree is representatives of the current struggle between the effects of the cold war. The inescapable encroaching modernity and the fight by nations to retain their cultural identities without being influenced by the forces of globalization. A Lexus is a luxurious automobile entirely built by a mechanical assembly line whose robotic finishing is used to enhance perfection and quality control mechanisms. The Lexus is an explicit indication of the drive for prosperity. The olive tree is a representation of one’s national culture or identity. The book the ‘Lexus and the Olive tree’ argues that nations are supposed to put emphasis on privatization of their economies as well as adjusting their Government policies to streamline with the global strategies for globalization. The Lexus and the olive tree are elemen ts in the post -cold war period where countries strive on building and developing their economies while other nations are fighting for cultural identity through the cold war. This means that the world is facing two struggles, the urge to grow and prosper symbolic of the Lexus and the feeling to retain cultural traditions and identity symbolized by the olive tree. The balance between following the Lexus as well as the olive tree is quite difficult, and both can’t be adhered to at the same time. Culture and identity conforms one to old age political policies which cannot allow for

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Training in ethics for management personnel Essay

Training in ethics for management personnel - Essay Example The Columbia Encyclopedia (2003) defines business ethics as the study and evaluation of decision making by businesses according to moral concepts and judgments. Issues involved in ethical business decisions include a company's obligation to be honest with its customers, a company's responsibility to preserve the environment and the protection of employee rights. Ethical conflicts arise due to the differences in the interests of company owners, workers, customers, and the community wherein which the business operates. The dilemma for managers is how to balance the need to produce profits for shareholders with honest business practices, safety in the workplace, and environmental and social concerns. The globalization of businesses and diversity in the workplace have also contributed to the complication of ethical issues because of different government laws that define the limits of criminal behavior. Practices which are deemed as bribery, sexual harassment, racial discrimination, and l ack of concern for the environment, may be held as criminal in one country but are neither illegal nor unethical or unusual in another. The company must then decide whether to adhere to its traditional ethical principles or not, especially if this provides opportunities for maximizing profits. According to Today's Market... use of these type of occurrences in the business milieu, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has become part of mandatory United States federal law that companies must adhere to. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act is intended to protect against corporate fraud and unethical accounting and reporting incidents. Thus, ethics training is now widely conducted to instill corporate values, rules and regulations in the minds of managers and employees. Ethics Training Ethics training aims to ensure that people are aware of ethical issues and the consequences of unethical behavior. Companies which conduct ethics training are benefited by the continual application of the company code of ethics in the everyday business environment. Ethics training provides a venue for communication and problem solving that guides participants in the resolution of complex issues brought about by conflicts of interest. It helps create a guide that may be followed when exercising discretion, while defining boundaries, limitations and expectations within the organization. An ethical workplace environment is characterized by properly exercised discretion, and ethics training is a step toward corporate compliance (Today's Marketer, 2008). An ethics training program encourages employee involvement in the process of reporting violations of the code of conduct, or any unethical practice. Compliant companies establish a procedure and a point of contact where whistleblowers my anonymously report violations. The process allows employees to be at ease when an unethical situation must be reported, and contributes to the company's corporate compliance program because it proves the company's willingness to eliminate unethical practices. Encouraging the reporting reduces catastrophic outcomes for the company, such as those which